Secure Professional Shredding Services for Manhattan, New York City, Long Island, Westchester and New Jersey Call Today, Shred Tomorrow
Shredding Process

Shredding Services for Home or Work in Astoria NY

(718) 875-1200

Document Destruction in Astoria NY

We offer shredding services to residents and businesses in Astoria NY Monday through Saturday.  To get a quote and make an appointment right away just give us a call. You can choose to have us shred at any location your store documents.

Start Shredding With Just A Few Simple Steps

  • Speak to one of our experts to get pricing and set up an appointment.
  • Pick the date you prefer Monday through Saturday.
  • We will arrive at your Astoria NY home or business so you can watch your files being shredded.

Our Document Destruction Service Options in Astoria NY

On-Site Paper Shredding

We can actually come to your residence, business, or any location you request in Astoria NY to shred your documents with one of our high-tech shredding trucks.  All of your files are destroyed at your premises before we pull away.  You will be able to watch your papers go through the shredder on a monitor on the side of our mobile unit.

One-time Business Records Purges

Destroy Company files only when you want to with our one-time service.  It’s great for the occasional destruction of accumulated paper in your office or when you want to reduce the quantity of old files in storage.   Destroy documents just once or as frequently as you want.   We will go to any location in Astoria NY where you have business records and shred them there.

Ongoing Office Shredding Programs

In today’s business environment, you have to protect information.  For paper records, they need to be shredded to be compliant with privacy laws.  The simplest way to do that in your Astoria NY office is with our scheduled service.  We place our locked containers in your business location so your staff can discard all documents in one of these locked collection containers.  We will be to your office to remove and shred the papers on a regular schedule that can be weekly to monthly.  We can also work with you to put together a custom schedule.  Start a shredding program in your office as soon as tomorrow.  

Residential Shredding 

If you want to eliminate some of those old documents and files you have at home they need to be shredded.  Just putting them in with the trash or recyclables is not safe and could lead to your identity being stolen.  Have our residential shredding service destroy all those old personal records so you don’t have to worry about it. Our document destruction service for local residents in Astoria NY is available Monday to Saturday.

Our Shredding Service is GREEN

When you protect your confidential information with our document destruction service you are also helping to protect the environment.  100% of the paper we shred is recycled.  It will never end up in a landfill.  The shredded material is sent to paper mills so it can be turned into paper pulp and then used to make other paper products.

Hard Drive Destruction

You should have the hard drives removed from all those old no longer being used computers.  They are still storing information.  We will shred or crush the hard drives at your Astoria NY location so the data is permanently destroyed and give you a Certificate of Destruction.

Give us a call to get a quote and make an appointment.



