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Shredding Services in Mendham NJ for Home & Work


Mendham NJ Document Destruction Services

On-site shredding means we come to your Mendham NJ home or business to destroy your documents.  We offer document destruction at your location on the date you want Monday through Saturday.  All you have to do is give Time Shred Services a call to get a phone quote and set up your paper shredding appointment for as soon as tomorrow.

How Document Destruction Works in Mendham NJ

Shredding trucks are easily the star of the show when it comes to getting a mobile shredding service. Whether it’s a scheduled service or a one-time service for shredding, you don’t need to travel! On the date of your choosing, one of our state-of-the-art mobile trucks will roll around the corner to shred your documents. Using the 96-gallon secure bins our technicians will be responsible for putting your documents into the bins. The bins are moved directly to our mobile unit where a hydraulic lift is used to raise the bins up into the truck and empty the contents into the shredder and the papers are destroyed.  Watch the whole process on a viewing screen on the side of the truck.

Our Mobile Shredding Services & What They Cost

Purge or One-time Paper Shredding for Mendham NJ Businesses

Our One-Time Purge Services are designed to handle any size company’s occasional shredding requirements, whether it’s a massive backlog of old documents, an annual file purge or if you want to declutter your office and remove documents that are just taking up space. Time Shred Services offers this flexible solution to call for professional destruction of business records only when you need it. Whether you’re a Mendham NJ healthcare facility, law firm, bank, or mom-and-pop business, we can help. 

Cost – You pay per 96-gallon bin we use to shred your files. 

Scheduled Shredding Services for Mendham NJ Offices 

Looking for a reliable option that comes to your business to shred your documents on a regular basis? Then Time Shred Services scheduled service is what you are looking for. Our Scheduled Shredding Services are perfect for any Mandham NJ business that frequently needs shredding.  When you choose ongoing service with us, we provide you with lockable consoles or bins so you can protect your documents until your shredding date arrives. We have different sizes of containers so we can provide the perfect mix for your office.  Just deposit papers whenever necessary and we will be by to empty and shred the documents on a regular schedule. 

Cost – We charge per container we supply.  That rate is based on the number of containers and how often they are serviced.

Residential Shredding in Mendham NJ 

Looking for an easy option for a professional residential shredding service that comes to your Mendham NJ home to shred your personal documents when and at the location you need service? Then you want to call Time Shred Services and request our onsite residential shredding service.  We will come to your home Monday through Saturday and you will be able to watch your old household papers and files being destroyed.  Just pay for each 96-gallon bin we use to shred your papers.  We have a one-bin minimum.

Hard Drive Destruction

When dealing with hard drives you no longer need, most people will wipe them, have them degaussed, or simply recycle them, but that isn’t the most secure practice. When you wipe or degauss a hard drive, it still will leave bits of information that can be recoverable by someone with the skill to do so. Instead, physically destroy those old hard drives with our hard drive destruction service. Time Shred will come to your location record the serial number, shred or crush each hard drive then provide you with a certificate of destruction.  Minimums may apply.

Call Time Shred Services Today! 



